[ASMR] I Took an IQ Test...

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Tonight we find out how smart I really am as I take an IQ test!
    Take the test: www.mensa.org/...
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Комментарии • 187

  • @lisalennox7835
    @lisalennox7835 Месяц назад +115

    I expect a high IQ because you have a whole channel dedicated to math!😅

    • @troygilbert69
      @troygilbert69 Месяц назад +12

      it said in the beginning that math and reading skills don’t matter

    • @lisalennox7835
      @lisalennox7835 Месяц назад +5

      Yea, your right.

    • @Jayden-p3q
      @Jayden-p3q Месяц назад

      ​@@lisalennox7835 Bro Is to understanding

  • @pakichu4636
    @pakichu4636 Месяц назад +13

    Seeing your channel grow from less than 50k subs to 360k feels so unreal to witness. Your amazing ❤🎉

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад

      Thank you so much!!

  • @Bil-XL
    @Bil-XL Месяц назад +39

    Dido, are you sure this is accurate? I got 137 on this test and I did it while I was hungry, tired and half asleep lmao. I’m not even that clever. 😂
    Also Dido, congrats on 360k

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад +14

      Can't really ever be sure about tests on the internet, it's all just a bit of fun for a video concept but it's been interesting to read all the comments 😂

    • @LeMn680
      @LeMn680 Месяц назад +2

      No this is just for fun.

    • @mr.f716
      @mr.f716 17 дней назад

      Realistically these tests only measure how well you do in these specific tests

  • @rekespuf
    @rekespuf Месяц назад +133

    Dido was in his prime but not in his final form

    • @Bil-XL
      @Bil-XL Месяц назад +14

      They knocked him down but still Didos feet, they found the floor

    • @rekespuf
      @rekespuf Месяц назад +5

      @ dido went from simple triggers straight out to well made videos

    • @Spagootles_mcnoodles
      @Spagootles_mcnoodles Месяц назад +3

      didos life’s a fight but he’s been here many times before

    • @saltysoysaus
      @saltysoysaus Месяц назад +2

      Waoaoao, this is how dido's story goes, waoaoao, this is how the the story goes

    • @Jmama9T
      @Jmama9T Месяц назад

      He's got the knick of it everbody knows

  • @elsadbm
    @elsadbm Месяц назад +15

    Omg I’ve been hoping for another one of these💖

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад +2

      Great timing then! 💙

    @ASMRJADE Месяц назад +21

    Omg aaaaaaaaaa 360K subscribers 🎉

    • @Bil-XL
      @Bil-XL Месяц назад +4

      That’ll be you soon 😁

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад +2

      Thank you so much Jade!!! 🫶🏼

  • @Swishyr
    @Swishyr Месяц назад +6

    Congrats on 360k didoooo 🎉

  • @keyboardcommando7000
    @keyboardcommando7000 Месяц назад +42

    Hilarious how every single person on the internet has a above average IQ 😭😭🙄

    • @leod3338
      @leod3338 Месяц назад +5

      @FlynnKeysellur definitely below average u just repeated what the guy said above u

    • @Ifindchomiksandplayroblox
      @Ifindchomiksandplayroblox Месяц назад +1

      @@leod3338 BRO YOU JUST FRIED HIM!

    • @MaximeLeGall-k8f
      @MaximeLeGall-k8f 29 дней назад

      Someone with a low IQ is less likely to share that information in a public comment section 🤣

  • @Scuffed_RBX1
    @Scuffed_RBX1 Месяц назад +6

    Love the Vid as Always

  • @michaelduggan3
    @michaelduggan3 Месяц назад +2

    i got 128 as well. Very impressive that you got a high score with such pressure as well. :-)

  • @magyarorszag147
    @magyarorszag147 Месяц назад +3

    Im sure that I will fall asleep before the results😂

  • @faresahmedmerdoukh3074
    @faresahmedmerdoukh3074 Месяц назад +3

    Good job dido.
    I love watching your videos

  • @maksrvnge
    @maksrvnge Месяц назад +2

    Mines 121, loved this video, very relaxing ♥️

  • @Anarossa_art
    @Anarossa_art Месяц назад +1

    This is the second night I fall asleep to this video and can’t figure out which IQ Dido has😅

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад

      😂😂 I guess that’s a good thing!

  • @strike1499
    @strike1499 Месяц назад +1

    Love your videos dido!

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад

      Thanks again Strike 💙

  • @The_Sheriff_
    @The_Sheriff_ Месяц назад +8

    Damn I got 131 😅 might be something wrong with this test, I'm supposed to be a complete idiot 😂

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад +3

      Maybe you're brighter than you think you are 💙😂 I'm loving seeing everyone's comments about their own results

  • @Not_Samantha-s9b
    @Not_Samantha-s9b Месяц назад +6

    Now I wanna take one 😮😊😂❤

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад +1

      You should try it! The link is in my description 💙

  • @LiamSVBM
    @LiamSVBM Месяц назад +1

    Love it Dido ❤❤❤

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад +1

      Thanks for being here 💙

  • @holybombo6521
    @holybombo6521 Месяц назад +3

    Very relaxing

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад +1

      Glad you enjoyed 💙

  • @Txredofeverything
    @Txredofeverything Месяц назад +23

    My Iq is around 147 and I still failed at everything in life🔥

    •  Месяц назад +15

      1. Flexing your IQ just serves to makr you seem arrogant 2. Its highly unlikely that your iq is nearing 150. 130 would make you gifted and 140 a genius

    • @benking400
      @benking400 Месяц назад +11

      IQ does not equal smart. It is a test that measures capacity to learn which is not the same. You can absolutely get a high score with low real world success. Notice how Dido mentions at the end how irrelevant the score is.
      Secondly you're being quite rude as the comment did not come across as bragging. If anything it was self deprecating. There was certainly no reason to react the way you did. Please abide to the old addage "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all"

    •  Месяц назад +7

      @@benking400 I doubt they wouldve posted that comment if they had an average IQ and the self depricating aspect was likely added as an excuse to mention their high IQ. If anything im trying to help the original commenter by not coming across as boastful, me doubting that their IQ is near 150 (Einstein's was 160 for comparison) is my personal take, who knows maybe they took an unreliable Test. Theres of course the off chance that the original comments writer has an increadibly high IQ, I just doubt it

    • @MonkraLover
      @MonkraLover Месяц назад

      he’s prolly not lying, when i was younger i used to flex my iq. he’s prolly just 10 or sum.

    • @Dailise0
      @Dailise0 Месяц назад

      it is unlikely, but IQ can show in many ways. I have a 136 IQ and 142 EIQ, and while i’m good at math and understanding an interpreting emotions, i’m not very good at english/social studies

  • @RedditStoriesOfficials
    @RedditStoriesOfficials Месяц назад

    Got the same score as you when i took that test before🔥

  • @ItsSkyPlayz
    @ItsSkyPlayz Месяц назад +3

    Dido im still waiting for another monopoly video!

  • @FozenTheBestNoLife
    @FozenTheBestNoLife Месяц назад +3

    24:24 Here is D and thats why. watch like this \ and you will see that it need two dots and two circles, so basically D is the only option here

    • @NICKtheLegOpener
      @NICKtheLegOpener Месяц назад +2

      And also hi again. here you're wrong-
      Because in the first row, you have to combine the first and the second pics together. Then, you have to keep those shapes that are in both of the first and second pic. Those shapes that aren't common must be deleted. So in the results you've got the 3rd pic in the first row! Hope i explained well.😅

    • @RYANpalazon
      @RYANpalazon Месяц назад +2

      it's not. it's E

  • @cohzinga
    @cohzinga Месяц назад +1

    Hey dido, I haven’t watched some asmr in a while so this is a good welcome back to it! I’m guessing your iq is going to be quite high because you are a mathematician haha

  • @MonkraLover
    @MonkraLover Месяц назад +1

    i got 13 points below my previous tested iq 😢

  • @Octave_music1
    @Octave_music1 Месяц назад +7

    0:12 so, who's gonna tell him what it means?

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад +3


    • @NBStud
      @NBStud Месяц назад

      Not funny

    • @Octave_music1
      @Octave_music1 Месяц назад

      @@NBStud You're right though 😭😭

  • @LeanSweeney
    @LeanSweeney Месяц назад

    I think C was correct because if you average each row it would equal 27 kind of like a magic square. And C was the only one w 8

  • @Metallix-c3j
    @Metallix-c3j 21 день назад

    I would fail this so badly 😂

  • @FozenTheBestNoLife
    @FozenTheBestNoLife Месяц назад +3

    23:05 you were on the right track, it was D here is the explanation, if you look closely at the only bottom one you can see it only have 5 lines on each shapes, so the only shape with 5 lines is D

  • @FozenTheBestNoLife
    @FozenTheBestNoLife Месяц назад +1

    17:02 What is that sound?

  • @K4inan
    @K4inan Месяц назад

    IQ 142 tested with a psychologist when I was 12. I work at Ikea :D

    • @samuela1918
      @samuela1918 Месяц назад

      Why? Does it have anything to do with a distrust for the current authority?

  • @drezzydrez
    @drezzydrez Месяц назад

    that is my exact IQ, 128.

  • @TrickywineVR
    @TrickywineVR Месяц назад +1

    Day 7 of asking for the asmr Ryan for the battle of the asmrtists

  • @Yourfavour1te
    @Yourfavour1te Месяц назад

    Bruh i got under 100😭 i literally thought i was gonna get like 110 or something

  • @FozenTheBestNoLife
    @FozenTheBestNoLife Месяц назад +11

    Mine is higher than 100 :)

    • @PafkaG
      @PafkaG Месяц назад +11

      Good for you

  • @jaimeleecampbell
    @jaimeleecampbell Месяц назад +5

    Well this will be entertaining. Might even fall asleep 😂 I have a bad sinus infection and bacterial tonsillitis and on a 10 day course of anti biotics and I have work tomorrow night too 😂😂

    • @LKingDuck
      @LKingDuck Месяц назад

      Bro, that's concerning. How is that funny?

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад +2

      Oh no! I hope the antibiotics kick in fast and well 💙

  • @MikeGamingRoblo
    @MikeGamingRoblo Месяц назад +1

    very nice Work

  • @miksutti
    @miksutti Месяц назад +2

    Is this test free? Every time when i do these tests it says at the end that i have to pay like 5€ for the result.

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад

      Yeah it’s free! There’s a link in the description

  • @hartadddd
    @hartadddd 29 дней назад

    got an IQ with a +2.33 z score above the mean. Doubt that was accurate though.

  • @RelaxEnjoyASMR
    @RelaxEnjoyASMR Месяц назад

    Nice video:)

  • @FozenTheBestNoLife
    @FozenTheBestNoLife Месяц назад +4

    24:56 its B, for example look at this picture like this _| and you will see that it only need one dot with line on it. B having only one dot with line so its simple to choose B

    • @NICKtheLegOpener
      @NICKtheLegOpener Месяц назад +2

      Im so sorry i keep correcting you :)
      It's F. I'll explain for the first row:
      combine first pic and the second together, you have to remove those circles and lines that aren't common in both pics. And keep those that are common. Then as a result you got the 3rd pic in the first row.

  • @FozenTheBestNoLife
    @FozenTheBestNoLife Месяц назад +2

    20:36 Its gonna be E, look at the bottom left and top right, the difference here is that it goes backwards, so logically top left and bottom right is gonna be with E

    • @bedwars1013
      @bedwars1013 Месяц назад +3

      I think it might be D, each row has one that has both the blacked out shapes on the outside, to me that seemed to be the most obvious pattern. Often looking too deeply at these questions can be more confusing.

  • @marianamussi948
    @marianamussi948 Месяц назад

    I recently took a legit iq test, it took several days with an actual psychiatrist and my score was 114... Ngl I was pretty disappointed

  • @StrawberryOtter-i9w
    @StrawberryOtter-i9w Месяц назад +4

    love ya

  • @calomfore
    @calomfore Месяц назад

    I took smth similar and got 128 but idk if it's an official test

  • @TheNPCBuilder
    @TheNPCBuilder Месяц назад

    Mine came back to a 146. I might be smart. (Emphasis on might)

  • @aaronmeiky
    @aaronmeiky Месяц назад +1

    360K 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😮😮😂😂😂😂

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад +1

      Woo thanks! 💙💙

  • @JulianIbarra-br6cl
    @JulianIbarra-br6cl Месяц назад +6

    Your iq I normally just have a great day and yea! One more thing can I get hearted I never got it before

  • @AfikaAlanYola
    @AfikaAlanYola Месяц назад

    It said for me when i did iq test with mensa. I was blue belt? What does it mean?

  • @Liam-BrawlStarz
    @Liam-BrawlStarz Месяц назад

    I wonder where in Edinburgh dido lives… what if i bumped into him 🤔

  • @mikehawk.
    @mikehawk. 26 дней назад


  • @johanneshoefnagels2650
    @johanneshoefnagels2650 Месяц назад +2

    Mine is 49 😢

  • @Greek.history.enthusiast
    @Greek.history.enthusiast Месяц назад

    The average iq of a person in the entire world is between 85 and 115 so anything from 115 to 130 is considered as high average

  • @xtgamermo2859
    @xtgamermo2859 15 дней назад

    502,604th! TAKE THAT VIEWER 502,605

  • @Jacronus
    @Jacronus Месяц назад

    Can't wait to watch thi amr vid

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад +1

      Hope you enjoyed it!

  • @Lucamakowski
    @Lucamakowski Месяц назад

    Bro 85 is like being attracted to goats

  • @daffodilyellow2430
    @daffodilyellow2430 Месяц назад

    I too got 120 😊

  • @kristinjohansson917
    @kristinjohansson917 Месяц назад

    Hi! I recently met a guy via tinder after 3 years of writing we met & kissed but now he hasn't heard from me in 1 month should I just forget about him and move on or give it a chance?! can't stop thinking about him but what should I do when he doesn't answer?!😢😥🤔

  • @bmangamer1234
    @bmangamer1234 Месяц назад

    I feel stupid 😭, my Iq is 107, but I’m not an adult yet

  • @magyarorszag147
    @magyarorszag147 Месяц назад +1

    I got 115

  • @voidster8527
    @voidster8527 Месяц назад

    Norway yeeeeeeee

  • @RyanDavidson-j3l
    @RyanDavidson-j3l Месяц назад

    my iq is apparently 148! theres no way!

  • @per8888
    @per8888 Месяц назад +1

    14 is C

  • @ФанатПапича-з9ю
    @ФанатПапича-з9ю Месяц назад

    121 pog

  • @Lucamakowski
    @Lucamakowski Месяц назад

    I also had 123

  • @MrTommyd2010
    @MrTommyd2010 Месяц назад +1

    Mine is lower than 10

  • @bidhancrestha6859
    @bidhancrestha6859 Месяц назад

    The site is not working😂😂 bcoz of you I think so many people go to the site it crashed😅

  • @Jonathan-e7b7k
    @Jonathan-e7b7k Месяц назад

    My iq is in the negatives

  • @inzenitiez
    @inzenitiez Месяц назад +1

    Has a high enough IQ to be successful on youtube 😢

  • @JulianPreston
    @JulianPreston Месяц назад

    im below average for a human, not a cat though, so YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад +2

      😂😂 A win is a win!

  • @Greek.history.enthusiast
    @Greek.history.enthusiast Месяц назад

    I personally got 132 on it but it's not really accurate and trustworthy

  • @Scotscan
    @Scotscan Месяц назад +4

    Not first 😂

  • @mrcooledits33
    @mrcooledits33 Месяц назад +1

    Helloo dido

  • @NICKtheLegOpener
    @NICKtheLegOpener Месяц назад +1

    I was around 130 years ago- but i took it again and it's 141 rn.. living in asia makes life harder😂

  • @Seraphyyy
    @Seraphyyy Месяц назад

    Love my 95 while everyone else in the comments is apparently an achademic SCHOLAR

  • @ijusttrl
    @ijusttrl 29 дней назад

    My iq was 116

  • @TeunWijnen-ip5ff
    @TeunWijnen-ip5ff Месяц назад


  • @circjit
    @circjit Месяц назад

    His eyes are in a toxic relationship

  • @average_bordr_player
    @average_bordr_player Месяц назад

    You certain this websitenis accurate? I got 157 iq lol

  • @Henryisdjfunkyho
    @Henryisdjfunkyho Месяц назад +1

    Who Named The BBC

  • @tristanphillipson2415
    @tristanphillipson2415 Месяц назад


  • @Aydinroleplay
    @Aydinroleplay Месяц назад

    My iq would have been yours multiplied by 2 divided by 2 subtract 64

  • @hydrodudeaya2107
    @hydrodudeaya2107 Месяц назад +1


  • @Sotelo_00Z
    @Sotelo_00Z Месяц назад

    3rd 🫡

  • @gavenbutler8295
    @gavenbutler8295 Месяц назад +1

    22:46 fart????

  • @cvilleftw
    @cvilleftw Месяц назад

    Kinda weird

  • @simonhindmarsh1897
    @simonhindmarsh1897 Месяц назад


  • @FreddieDeeks
    @FreddieDeeks Месяц назад +1


    • @JulianIbarra-br6cl
      @JulianIbarra-br6cl Месяц назад

      I was first lol

    • @pixelguy10
      @pixelguy10 Месяц назад

      Your life is meaningless

    • @FreddieDeeks
      @FreddieDeeks Месяц назад

      @@pixelguy10 wow thanks but I would like to tell you,you waisting your time to comment that is meaningless but thanks for the nice comment

    • @pixelguy10
      @pixelguy10 Месяц назад

      @FreddieDeeks you wasted much more time typing this

    • @pixelguy10
      @pixelguy10 Месяц назад

      @FreddieDeeks and it wasn't as meaningless as your "first" comment

  • @HUG0Gosain
    @HUG0Gosain Месяц назад


  • @JulianIbarra-br6cl
    @JulianIbarra-br6cl Месяц назад

    First to comment

    • @FreddieDeeks
      @FreddieDeeks Месяц назад

      @JulianIbarra-br6cl no you weren’t lol

  • @bigstarczsk
    @bigstarczsk 27 дней назад

    I had 128 iq in 8 years 🤣 a profesional tested me in hispital

  • @cherryboymusic
    @cherryboymusic Месяц назад


  • @AlfieW-us8np
    @AlfieW-us8np Месяц назад

    Is it free to do this IQ test

    • @DidoASMR
      @DidoASMR  Месяц назад +1

      Yes, the link to this test is in the description if you want to try it out for yourself 😄