Former Coed of the Month is probably going to lose her job because of nude photos

Will E Worm

Everybody, soon or late, sits down to a banquet of consequences. Robert Louis Stevenson

I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

She should have thought about her future.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I agree with you, Chicodusto. But given how parents and school administrators have reacted to incidents like this in the past, she was naive if she thought it would play out any other way. That doesn't make it right. I'm just saying that you have to be aware of the reality of your situation.

BTW, she is an extremely pretty girl! IMO, natural beauty is better beauty. For people who think that girls with tiny breasts can't be sexy, I'd present Cristy Nicole as Exhibit A to prove that they can! I just hope that she doesn't follow Meggan Mallone's (bad) example and get herself butchered up and silly-coned.
She's a high school teacher. Most of her students are probably sexually active anyway. For those that might be underage whose parents disapprove, if their children recognize her from Playboy the parents should probably be more concerned that their children recognize her than that she was in it.

Besides, we have issues ousting teachers who teach Holocaust denial and/or express belief in it, but a teacher should be kicked over this? Really? So even non-explicit nude pics aren't protected under the 1st Amendment, but denying facts and preaching antisemitism is? And this in an age when "speech" is viewed so broadly as to include political donations.

Stupid. Fucking. People.

Faith in Humanity: -10pts

Oh, and Will... speaking of actions having consequences, don't you think there should be consequences when complete morons say stupid shit like this:

[...]hope to see mass murders and crime in Maryland. :elaugh:
Taken out of context. :facepalm:


No, it's not. It links directly to your post. You flatly said with NO ENCOURAGEMENT in your first post to that thread that because Maryland decided to do away with the death penalty that you believed innocent people should suffer and die. That's on YOU. THAT was the context. Like I said, the quote is a link, everyone can stroll on over and bask in your stupidity. You can yell about context all you want, but that just makes you a lying bastard.
Taken out of context. :facepalm:



Quoted your own words, in a sentence that stands alone just fine in that post you made. You have never clarified it, though you claim to have done so. Answer yes or no: should people die in Maryland so that your point might be proved?
Taken out of context. :facepalm:

Okay bright boy, give us the context where calling for innocent blood with an evil laugh, because someone decided to take one method of enforcing the law off the table, is justified. Give us the context where mass murder in Maryland is a good thing that we should all be hoping for as you do...
Taken out of context. :facepalm:

Now two trolls are messing up threads with their trolling.

We've been asking you for context for quite some time.

Please, in what context would it be appropriate for you to wish murder on innocent people in order to prove your point? Perhaps we should look at your entire post?


Hope they don't do away with it.

If they do I hope to see mass murders and crime in Maryland. :elaugh:

That doesn't help. Let's add the post to which you were directly responding:

How about reinstate capital punishment and allow the murderer only 1 appeal instead of 1.2 million of them. Get it right the first time, then get punished. This just reenforces that you can get away with murder in Maryland.


Hope they don't do away with it.

If they do I hope to see mass murders and crime in Maryland. :elaugh:

No, here's what you said:

1. This is something I don't agree with, and I think it will mean people think they can get away with murder there.
2. Because I don't agree with it, I hope there are mass murders of innocent people, and lots of crime in Maryland in order to prove my point.

Please, answer these questions directly and thoroughly, and I'll drop this forever:
1. Do you really hope there are mass murders and crime in Maryland to prove your point?
2. In what context would it be appropriate for you to wish for mass murders of innocent people?
3. In what way have you been misrepresented on this topic?

Or, more simply, perhaps it is time that you admit that was a terrible thing to say, and you shouldn't have said it?

Really, Will, I'll drop it forever, as will others, I'm willing to bet, if you address the points above. The ball is in your court. Answer, and this comes to an end. Don't answer, and you will continue to be questioned about why you want mass murders of innocent people in order to prove your point. You choose.
Taken out of context. :facepalm:

Wow, you can copy/paste. Will, I gotta give it to you... you're smarter than I thought. Obviously not smart enough to come up with a convincing lie to excuse your obviously idiotic and hyperbolic statement, or you'd have done so already. But hey, smarter than I thought! (though, really, I'd say the same if I found out you dress yourself).

But I mean, hey... if you're so intent on trying to sell this "context" bullshit then go ahead and provide us the context as you see it. We've shown the context, and it's pretty obvious, and it makes you look like an insensitive asshole (probably because you are one). Anytime you want to give your interpretation of the "context" you go right ahead... we're all waiting. Unless, I mean... you can't even excuse what you said (which you obviously can't). :dunno:


Was King of the Board for a Day
Why continue to mess up threads, with false information?

Why troll? Why not agree to disagree? Trolls can't let go. Sad... :dotdot:

There's nothing to agree about, aside from a unanimous verdict that you keep trying to deflect attention from yourself over what you said and won't clarify. In fact, by neither answering nor leaving this thread and continuing to repeat "Taken out of context", "Taken out of context", "Taken out of context", you're being as troll-like as you say two others are. You have two choices, as I see it. Answer the question (and don't bother saying you have, because there's an easy way to check, in addition to everyone knowing you haven't) or leave. Nobody's going to let this go, and none of your continuous threats of libel or alerting the mods of this is going to make it go away.

Go ahead though, feel free to call me a troll. If I'm a troll, then that makes you....whatever's beneath a troll.
Why continue to mess up threads, with false information?

What false information? We provided exactly what was said. We gave a direct quote and provided context (including links to the actual thread). You claim it's out of context, but it's not. So justify your stance. If it's false give us the truth. You can't of course because what we've put forward IS the truth. It's exactly what you said and there's no context to justify it. Still, you refuse to admit that you were wrong and acted like an asshole. If you did that people might let it go, but you refuse even though you KNOW you're wrong.

Why troll? Why not agree to disagree? Trolls can't let go. Sad... :dotdot:

It's not trolling, it's holding you accountable. Why do you continue to harp on things like the ACA? Why continue to harp on Obama? Why harp on the Dems in general? Why not let it go and agree to disagree?

You called for innocent blood. You wished for people to die. That's not something that can be easily shrugged off. It's Evil, and not like the way you usually throw the term around. They way you like to say things like "taxes" are "evil" but it's actually a morally reprehensible thing to say.

Will E Worm

Why continue to mess up threads, with false information?

Why troll? Why not agree to disagree? Trolls can't let go. Sad... :dotdot: